
Was the Western genre “queer” before “Brokeback Mountain”?

Contrary to what you might think, queer culture and Western Cinema went hand in hand well before "Brokeback Mountain."


Should “Forrest Gump” be viewed as conservative propaganda?

Is "Forrest Gump" intended to be a pro-conservative film, or was its interpretation of such a product of the politics of 1994?


How was Greenbow, Alabama, in “Forrest Gump” influenced by the art of Norman Rockwell?

Robert Zemeckis referred to Norman Rockwell's mid-20th century artwork when designing the town of Greenbow, Alabama for "Forrest Gump."


Outside the romantic comedy structure, would Annie in “Sleepless in Seattle” be seen as a stalker?

"Sleepless in Seattle" is a classic romantic comedy, but it's also a film about a woman stalking a guy.


What’s the meaning of the tiramisu joke in “Sleepless in Seattle”?

The tiramisu joke in "Sleepless in Seattle" was funny in 1993 because people didn't know about the food. Now, it's funny because it's hard to imagine people not knowing…


Why is Phyllis in “Double Indemnity” hailed as one of cinema’s greatest femme fatales?

Barbara Stanwyck's Phyllis in "Double Indemnity" is a fantastic example of the femme fatale in film noir.


What is the song heard through the window during the climax of “Double Indemnity”?

The song playing during the climax of "Double Indemnity" is more poignant than it seems, and holds more weight than simple background music wafting in through the window.


What does it mean to call a woman a “Stepford Wife”?

The term "Stepford Wives" is at its core a term for the caricature of a submissive, obedient and mindless housewife.


How did “The Maltese Falcon” help craft the noir film genre?

"The Maltese Falcon" is typically regarded as the first film noir. Though it doesn't contain all the elements that would eventually work to define the genre, it paved the way for the…


Does Mapes feel the “Truth” controversy would have played out differently in today’s media landscape?

In the environment of Twitter, social media, and a balanced blogosphere, would the events depicted in "Truth" have become such a frenzy?


Does Dan Rather think “Truth” is true? What do Dan Rather & Mary Mapes say “Truth” is really about?

Dan Rather and Mary Mapes comment on the accuracy of "Truth" as it relates to their personal memories of the Killian Documents Controversy and their forced departure from CBS News.


How do Rather and Mapes view “Truth” as an examination of how news has evolved over the last decade?

Dan Rather and Mary Mapes give their input on "Truth" and the shift in news media over the last 11 years.
