
15 years after the abuse scandal broke, will “Spotlight” impact the Catholic Church’s public image?

"Spotlight" (2015) retells the true story about the Pulitzer Prize-winning team of journalists that exposed the highly publicized sex scandal and the Church’s controversial response.…


In “Taxi Driver,” what is the role of the “director” motivating Travis’ actions?

Scorsese's cameo as a passenger in Travis' cab represents the moment when the director literally controls his character and plants the seed of violence in his head.


In “Toy Story,” which character changes, and which is steadfast in their resolve?

"Toy Story" employs common narrative style relating to two characters with opposing viewpoints who have to work together. The way it presents them is a bit unique.


How does the first episode of “Flesh and Bone” set up conflict between the old and the new?

"Flesh and Bone" aims for a mix of the familiar dance story with an original angle. The conflict between the old and the new manifests both literally and figuratively in the first episode.


Are Andy’s parents in “Toy Story” divorced, or is his father deceased?

Andy in "Toy Story" doesn't have a father. Unfortunately, contextual evidence gives the impression he's left the family.


How does the editing in “Scandal” comment on the public and private lives of political figures?

The fast-paced editing in "Scandal" manipulates how we see the characters, while the slower moments reveal the disconnect between the inner and outer lives of public figures.


What made the dialogue of “His Girl Friday” so revolutionary in 1940?

The fast-paced dialogue in "His Girl Friday" was revolutionary for the time and remains one of the film's most memorable components.


Why is the female lead in “His Girl Friday” crucial to the film’s success?

"His Girl Friday" took a stage play with no female lead and gave it one, transforming the material into a screwball romantic comedy with legendary banter and narrative power.


Did “His Girl Friday” reflect the behaviors of classic news men or help create the stereotype?

Journalists lived a hard life in the early 20th century. "His Girl Friday" helped reinvent their image, presenting reporters in an energetic new light that still retained the realities of…


Which characters in “Titanic” were real people?

"Titanic" contains a wealth of real-life characters, as well as some fictional ones created to drive the narrative.


What does “double coding” mean as an interpretive strategy for film and television?

Double coding claims that the same project can have different meanings for different cultural groups.


Is Patrick Bateman in “American Psycho” actually a serial killer, or is it in his head?

While the film leaves it ambiguous as to whether Patrick Bateman's murders really occur, the narrative, director, and screenwriter of "American Psycho" offer insight into what…
