
In “Chi-Raq,” what is the influence of Brecht and epic theater?

In "Chi-Raq", Spike Lee draws on the epic theater aesthetics of Bertolt Brecht and Jean-Luc Godard.


Does the apparent economic class of the “Christmas Vacation” family make it hard to relate to them?

"Christmas Vacation" is a beloved holiday film with some legitimate holiday sentiment. But what is up with Clark Griswold acting like he's so broke?


Is Syndrome the illegitimate son of Mr. Incredible?

Subtext in "The Incredibles" suggests that Mr. Incredible and Syndrome might be father and son.


How does “Bride of Frankenstein” cross genres to add humor and build empathy for the monster?

"Bride of Frankenstein" contains all the spooks and scares of true horror yet, by the film’s conclusion, Pretorius has taken place as the film’s villain over the monster. The monster…


How do Bobby’s love interests in “Five Easy Pieces” help reveal parts of his character?

Bob Rafelson uses "Five Easy Pieces" to make multiple commentaries on Bobby’s disillusioned category of character types from the early 1970s. One means to this end is through…


Why is “Five Easy Pieces” one of the best character studies in film history?

"Five Easy Pieces" minimalist plot captured and depicted the youth alienation prevalent in the unstable middle class life of the early ‘70s.


How have The Marx Brothers, particularly with “A Night at the Opera,” influenced future comedians?

The Marx Brothers employed intelligent, character-driven humor. Such comedic styling tends to have a timelessness to it. It is contested whether "A Night at the Opera" is their best work,…


Is “Microbe and Gasoline” less surreal than Michel Gondry’s other films?

Michel Gondry scales back the surrealism in his latest film, "Microbe and Gasoline."


How much of “Microbe and Gasoline” is an autobiography of Michel Gondry’s childhood?

"Microbe and Gasoline" borrows largely from the life of director Michel Gondry.


When would “Angels With Filthy Souls,” the film within “Home Alone,” have been made?

Could "Angels With Filthy Souls" actually have been made in the era it appears to have been made? Chances are no - it's a throwback film made much closer to modern day.
