
How did “The BFG” get made after two decades of trying?

Based on Roald Dahl's beloved 1982 children's book, "The BFG" began development in the early 1990s, but was delayed for over two decades due to studio changes and technological…


(Video) Ben Wheatley and Tom Hiddleston Talk “High-Rise” and the Nude Scene

Director Ben Wheatley and actor Tom Hiddleston discuss making "High-Rise," paying special attention to Hiddleston's memorable nude scene.


Ask The Composer: Jeff Russo Goes Back In Time With “Fargo”

Composer Jeff Russo discusses switching gears creatively and writing music for a period setting.


Ask the Director: Penny Lane on “Nuts!”

Nuts! (2016) is an animated documentary that follows the life of the eccentric Dr. John Romulus Brinkley, an infamous con-man who created a controversial goat-testicle impotence cure and a…


What inspired Rihanna to write “Sledgehammer” for “Star Trek Beyond”?

Rihanna says her new song for "Star Trek Beyond" is a truly personal effort.


In “Game of Thrones,” who is The Prince That Was Promised?

As the Prince is said to be a Targaryen, there are two contenders: Jon and Daenerys. Watch Game of Thrones and see who will claim The Iron Throne.


How does “Dirty Dancing” explore femininity?

"Dirty Dancing" follows a traditional female Oedipal trajectory, tracing Baby's development from a girl to her self-actualization as an adult dancer.


(Video) How did the “Swiss Army Man” team make Daniel Radcliffe’s corpse?

If you wondered how Paul Dano could ride a corpse powered by farts across an ocean, watch this behind-the-scenes featurette.


Ask the Director: Roger Ross Williams on “Life, Animated” and Portraying Disability on Film

ScreenPrism speaks with Academy Award-winning director Roger Ross Williams about his documentary "Life, Animated" and embodying the world of someone with autism.


What is a “Hitchcock Blonde”? How did the term develop?

Hitchcock' blondes are more than just eye candy - they are the mysterious, illuminating spirit of his films which assist the plot and contribute to the lasting appeal of the pictures.


Queering Classic Hollywood: Why Ned Drinks - Lew Ayres in “Holiday”

Heterocentric norms and gender roles in "Holiday" leave Lew Ayre's Ned Seton trapped in a life that he doesn't want.


Jay Duplass Looks Back on “Togetherness” and Forward on “Transparent”

Jay Duplass discusses his new career in acting, saying goodbye to HBO's "Togetherness" and what's to come in "Transparent" Season 3.
