
What do “Bringing Up Baby” and “His Girl Friday” have in common?

Both films are anti-domesticity tales that don't resolve with traditionally gendered romantic endings.


The 5 Most Analyzable Films & TV Shows to Watch on Netflix Right Now

If you are stuck inside during the snowstorm of 2016, here are some can't miss movies to explore on Netflix to keep yourself entertained.


Is Leonardo DiCaprio’s role in “The Revenant” different from his usual characters?

Leonardo DiCaprio is known for bold, dialogue-heavy roles. His character in "The Revenant" spends the majority of the film not talking, which was a new experience for the actor.


What is the point of Mike Yanagita in “Fargo”?

Marge's meeting with Mike in "Fargo" doesn't obviously service the plot but reminds Marge that people's outward projections aren't always the truth.


In “Fargo,” what is the attitude towards midwestern values?

The Midwestern characters in "Fargo" serve as the basis for most of its comedy but also for its emotional depth and its authenticity.


In “The Revenant,” what is the significance of the final shot?

In the final shot of "The Revenant," DiCaprio's character turns to look into the camera before the credits roll.


The One To Watch For Love Between Friends: “Parks and Recreation” S7E4 - “Leslie and Ron”

Amy Poehler shows how she earned that SAG nomination when she's locked in a room with Nick Offerman.


Ask the Expert: “Brooklyn” Cinematographer Yves Bélanger answers ScreenPrism’s questions

The cinematographer of "Brooklyn," "Wild" and "Dallas Buyers Club" answers our questions.


The Filmmaker’s Handbook: What is a POV shot?

A POV shot is a shot filmed from the character's point of view, essentially bringing the viewer into the film.


Where and how was “Bridge of Spies” filmed?

"Bridge of Spies" was shot in many authentic locations for its story, adding a rich sense of realism to the historical plot.


How is “My Fair Lady” a theatrical film?

What makes "My Fair Lady" so theatrical?
