
In “Jessica Jones,” how important is gender to the story?

"Jessica Jones" is a powerful example of complex female-led storytelling, but gender is by no means the exclusive focus of the show.


Is V in “V For Vendetta” a terrorist or a freedom fighter?

Do V's actions in "V For Vendetta" make him a terrorist or a freedom fighter -- and can it be both?


A Film for Every Holiday: Int’l Day of Zero Tolerance for Female Genital Mutilation, “Moolaadé”

"Mooladé" is the most important film to watch on February 6, as we draw awareness to the International Day of Zero Tolerance for Female Genital Mutilation.


How Did “Plan 9 From Outer Space” Become a Classic as Opposed to a Forgotten Failure?

"Plan 9 From Outer Space" may be a horribly-constructed film, but the passion and imagination of Ed Wood instills it with something to admire beyond the schlock.


Is James Dean’s character in “Rebel Without a Cause” an angel of death?

In "Rebel Without a Cause," James Dean's Jim Stark is frequently aligned with death. If he can be interpreted as the angel of death, then what kind of "death" is he…


In “Hannibal,” what’s the show’s secret to making “human” meat look so good?

The secret to Hannibal Lecter's delectable-looking dishes with seemingly “human” meat was Janice Poon, an artist who specializes in food styling.


In “The Wild One,” how is Marlon Brando’s Johnny torn between civilization and chaos?

In "The Wild One," Marlon Brando's Johnny both rebels against society and craves its acceptance.


Ask the Director & Actor: Why is “Halal Love (and Sex)” important viewing for Western audiences?

ScreenPrism talked to director Assad Fouladkar and actress Darine Hamze about "Halal Love (and Sex)," a light-hearted comedy that follows women navigating their romantic lives in Beirut.…


Ask the Director: What surprises does “Halal Love (And Sex)” reveal about dating in Muslim culture?

The storylines of "Halal Love (and Sex)" introduce lesser-known practices in the romantic lives of Muslim couples. Director Assad Fouladkar and actress Darine Hamze talked to ScreenPrism…


Why is Samantha in “Her” a heroine of the Feminine Semiotic?

The mysterious creative drive of Kristeva's Semiotic enters the world of "Her" as Samantha, a “female” OPS who rejects conformity to the bodily Symbolic.


What are the sexual politics of “Invasion of the Body Snatchers”?

The sexual politics of "The Invasion of the Body Snatchers" present a conflicted message that signals social change under the surface image of domestic bliss.


Was “Invasion of the Body Snatchers” Intended as Political Allegory?

"Invasion of the Body Snatchers" is considered a classic piece of political allegory, but those involved with its creation largely deny that was their intent.
