
What Were the Biggest Influences on “Inherent Vice”?

Many critics have drawn comparisons to "The Big Lebowski"’s shaggy dog narrative, but many more argue that it found most of its inspiration in another drug-hazed film, "The Long…


What Were the Challenges of Translating Pynchon’s ‘Inherent Vice’ to the Screen?

“You can't make a movie like this and assume everyone's read the book."


How Did “Inherent Vice” Achieve its Unique Look?

The film has a period appropriate look, resembling a film that could’ve been shot in 1970.


Are There Any Important Details Left Out of “Citizenfour”?

After Snowden takes his leave of Poitras and Greenwald, the film covers the rest of his story in less detail.


Is “Citizenfour” An Advocacy Piece Or A Serious Work of Journalism?

"Citizenfour" overtly deals with the classic cinema verite challenge of creating a minimally subjective portrait of a subject when the filmmaker was clearly asked by the subject to create…


What Was the General Aesthetic and Procedure Used by Roger Deakins in Shooting “Unbroken”?

“I prefer shooting with a single camera simply because I don't like shooting generic 'coverage.'"


How Much of “Unbroken” is True-to-Life?

"Unbroken" gives Zamperini's start as a track star a comical rewrite.


How Did Jake Gyllenhaal Prepare Himself for “Nightcrawler”?

“I wanted him to look like a coyote...And in order to do that, I had to look hungry and be hungry.”


How Accurate is “Nightcrawler’s” Portrayal of the Media and Nightcrawling?

Does "Nightcrawler" accurately portray the breaking news business and nightcrawling. A recent study shows that Los Angeles above most other markets prefers crime at the top of its news…


What Were the Challenges of Portraying J.M.W. Turner?

After painting a full-size copy of Turner's "Snow Storm – Steam-Boat off a Harbour’s Mouth," actor Timothy Spall had it framed on his wall. "I look at it now and think,…


How Did They Get the Colors of the Paintings to Display Properly in “Mr. Turner”?

"When I did the post, I had copies of the paintings in the DI suite."


How Did Dick Pope Film “Mr. Turner”?

"A lot of people come up to me and say, ‘That's CG out the window, right?' I say, ‘like hell it is!'"
