
Will “Fear the Walking Dead” Focus on the Human Perspective like “The Walking Dead”?

Fear The Walking Dead will not deviate from the core of The Walking Dead’s mythos - if anything, it will be even more driven by the human element.


Will “Fear The Walking Dead” Explain What Caused the Zombie Outbreak?

Fear The Walking Dead will not reveal the source of the zombie outbreak.


How Does “Fear The Walking Dead” Relate to the Established “Walking Dead” Series?

Fear The Walking Dead is a unique series in its setting, characters and story lines. It has no connection to the existing Walking Dead series.


Does “Chappie” Bring Anything New to the “What if Tech Went Sentient” Discussion?

Hollywood is acutely aware of society’s fears that technology will dominate the human race. If anything, Chappie takes both sides on the idea, and says that whether or not robots could ever take…


What Does “Chappie” Contribute to The Idea of Nature vs. Nurture?

Yolandi becomes the character to which Chappie is most connected. He exhibits more fondness and more connection with the nurturing woman in his life than with the two men attempting to acclimate…


Why Cast Die Antwoord in “Chappie”? What is Zef? Was All the Obvious Product Placement Good or Bad?

While their presence is overbearing and oddly placed, Die Antwoord end up being pretty useful in making the film entertaining on a basic level.


How Did “Chappie” Achieve the Robot’s Effects? Is His Body Model an Effective Visual Design?

Chappie is a beautifully-rendered fusion of motion-capture acting and CGI, but the quality of the action is muffled by the robot's physical appearance and lackluster script that make the…


Does the Focus on Chappie’s Character Development Destroy the Rest of this Film’s Characters?

It wouldn't have killed Blomkamp to sacrifice a few minutes of Chappie time to spend a little more effort fleshing out the other elements of the film.


Does “Chappie” Cast a Positive or Negative light on Potential for Immortality Through Technology?

Chappie allows several characters to achieve immortality through a digitized transfer of consciousness, and overall seems pretty okay with it.


Does OS Samantha Really Love Theodore, or is She Just Programmed to Appear as if She Does?

The question of AI sentience has been under discussion for as long as movies have been around (see: "Metropolis"), but the possibility of AI love for a human has arguably never been…


Was “Rear Window” Shot in an Actual Apartment Courtyard or an Elaborate Set?

Rear Window's courtyard and apartment buildings were not a real place, but a massive set constructed for the film.


What Do “Inception” And “The Matrix” Have in Common?

Films in which dreaming is central to the story, characters, or theme are themselves somewhat like dreaming.[1] When we enter a film world, we activate certain features of our minds that may be the…
