
Has “The Revenant” established Alejandro G. Iñárritu as today’s most acclaimed director?

"The Revenant" has helped solidify Iñárritu's status as one of the most acclaimed, and controversial, directors in the business. What's his secret?


Which characters in “The Big Short” are based on real people?

The central characters of "The Big Short" are based on real people, but only one used his real name in the film.


Ask the Composer: David Benjamin Steinberg on scoring HBO’s “Mapplethorpe: Look at the Pictures”

ScreenPrism asked composer David Benjamin Steinberg how he wrote musical themes to capture the personality of artist Robert Mapplethorpe and the feeling of looking at his photographs.


Ask the Director & Actor: for “The Fits,” How Did You Create a Coming-of-Age Portrait Through Dance?

At Sundance 2016, ScreenPrism talked with first-time director Anna Rose Holmer and young star Royalty Hightower about coming-of-age dance movie "The Fits."


Ask the Filmmakers: What was your 12-year journey bringing “Pleasure. Love” to screen at Sundance?

ScreenPrism interviewed "Pleasure. Love" director Yao Huang and producer Victoria Hon at the film's world premiere at Sundance 2016.


Ask the Filmmakers: In “Sand Storm,” How Did You Craft the Central Mother-Daughter Relationship?

Sand Storm's director Elite Zexer and actor Lamis Ammar kicked off Sundance 2016 by answering ScreenPrism's questions about the film.


What are the key differences between the original “X-Files” series and Season 10?

Season 10 of "The X-Files" features more explanation and subtle changes in the characterization of Mulder and Scully.


In “Vertigo,” what is the significance of the ending?

What does the ambiguous ending of "Vertigo" mean in the context of the rest of the film?


What can “Making a Murderer” teach us about privilege in American society?

There is something important getting lost in the noise about Avery’s guilt or innocence in "Making a Murderer." This documentary teaches us an invaluable lesson about how privilege…


Is “Joy” based on a true story?

"Joy" is a fictionalized account of a real person using actual details of her life, transformed by David O. Russell into a universal story about female ambition.
