
How Does the Point of View Used in “My Skinny Sister” Service the Story?

Instead of focusing on the sister with an eating disorder, "My Skinny Sister" is told from her younger sister's point of view. The 12 year-old girl carries the emotional weight of…


Why Did Director Joe Swanberg Dedicate “Digging for Fire” to Filmmaker Paul Mazursky?

"Digging for Fire" director Joe Swanberg felt a kinship with Mazurky and a deep respect for his career. Thematically, "Digging for Fire" tackles many of the same issues as…


Are the LGBT relationships in “Addicted to Fresno” the film’s central focus

"Addicted to Fresno" director Jamie Babbit thinks it's important to depict more gay and lesbian characters onscreen, but the film's central focus is the codependent relationship…


How Does “Mistress America” Speak to Millennials While still Resonating with Older Audiences?

The protagonist's point of view in "Mistress America" speaks to millennials, but older audiences will note the film's resemblance to screwball comedies of the '30's…


What Are Some of the Influences “Der Nachtmahr” Draws From?

"Der Nachtmahr" is inspired by a painting from 1781, as well as many filmmakers and creature models from the past 40 years of cinema.


In the Making of “My Skinny Sister,” What Factors Influenced the Story and Casting?

Knowing that the subject of eating disorders can be difficult to tackle in drama, Swedish director Sanna Lenken drew on her own experience with anorexia and focused "My Skinny Sister" on…


In “Game of Thrones,” what (or who) are the White Walkers

The White Walkers' looming presence serves as a constant threat that is incredibly dangerous to all of mankind, but frequently forgotten as man instead focuses on battling one another.


When Exactly is Winter Coming in “Game of Thrones”? What Does That Even Mean?

The "Game of Thrones'" phrase "Winter is Coming" has multiple meanings, which are explained here.


What is the True History Behind Cersei’s “Game of Thrones” Walk of Shame Scene and How Was it Shot?

The "Game of Thrones" scene of Cersei's (Lena Headey) walk of shame has precedent in history. Extremely expensive and highly orchestrated, the scene took several days to shoot, was a…


Which “Game of Thrones” Book Characters Absent From the Show Does George R.R. Martin Miss the Most?

"Game of Thrones" omits or combines many of its source novels' characters for television purposes. Largely, they do this with skill and creativity, but it's left viewers - and…


How is the Title of “The Lobster” Significant?

The multiple layers of meaning in the film's title shed light on the themes and message of Toronto International Film Festival's dystopian "The Lobster."


In the Faux-Documentary of “Modern Family,” Who Are the Characters Talking To?

"Modern Family" has never made it clear who is filming and interviewing the characters. Fan theories exist, but the official opinion from the series creators is that it doesn't matter.
