
How Did “The Birth of a Nation” Revolutionize Cinema?

In “The Birth of a Nation,” director D.W. Griffith implemented and perfected a number of film techniques (such as parallel editing and the close-up) that would influence the entire future of…


After Directing “The Birth of a Nation,” How Did D.W. Griffith React to his Critics?

When “The Birth of Nation” hit theaters, it sparked protests by the NAACP and was banned in several cities. Hurt by allegations of racism, Griffith responded by directing two films that…


How Did “Yesterday, Today and Tomorrow” Showcase the Talents of Sophia Loren?

"Yesterday, Today and Tomorrow" is a great resume of everything that has made Sophia Loren a cinematic legend over the past 60 years.


In “Chinatown,” Why are There So Many References to Eyes and Vision?

In Polanski's iconic story of an L.A. private eye exposing the corrupt underworld of the Los Angeles water system, vision and eyes play an important symbolic role.


How is the Message of “Children of Men” Conveyed Through the Film’s Religious Subtext?

The hero of "Children of Men" is an amalgam of Noah, Moses, and Joseph, trapped in the body of a disheveled Clive Owen. Drawing on Ecclesiastes, Genesis, and the New Testament, the film…


Why is the Setting in “The Andromeda Strain” So Important?

The hellish, futuristic setting for "The Andromeda Strain" recalls Dante's Inferno and foreshadows the fatal consequences of scientific hubris.


How Does the Title of “Pawn Sacrifice” Highlight the Intense Political Stakes Underlying 1970s Chess?

The title of "Pawn Sacrifice" emphasizes that the players facing off in the film's chess matches are subject to the shadowy machinations of the dueling US and Soviet governments.…


How Does “Pawn Sacrifice” Make Chess Cinematic?

Bobby Fischer biopic "Pawn Sacrifice" uses every cinematic means possible to immerse us in the game of chess, while ignoring the mechanics of the game itself. The film is more interested…


Why Did the Show Creators Set “Bates Motel” in the Modern Day?

The series creators wanted to modernize the Bates Motel story without taking audiences out of the world they were already familiar with from Hitchcock's Psycho.


How Does the Revelation at the End of “Men and Chicken” Reflect Each Brother’s Personality?

The final reveal in "Men and Chicken" explains a lot about the brothers' eccentric personalities. (Spoiler alert.)


Are the Biblical References in “Men and Chicken” Intentional? What Do They Mean?

The two central characters of "Men and Chicken" -- Gabriel and Elias -- both take their names from the bible. Biblical references help us understand the life purpose of Gabriel, as he…


What is the tone of “Men and Chicken” and why does it work

The tone of bizarre Danish dark comedy "Men and Chicken" is ever changing, jumping from slapstick to black humor to serious drama. But somehow this Toronto selection manages to cohere…
