
How does “Singin’ in the Rain” constantly play at revealing the phoniness of Hollywood?

"Singin' in the Rain" is a comedy musical about Hollywood's transition to talking pictures, but also a portrait of the phoniness of Hollywood, frequently giving us a peek behind…


How does “12 Angry Men” use cinematography to build tension during the film?

"12 Angry Men" uses various angles and lenses to build a feeling of claustrophobia and tension among its cast.


In “The Martian,” does Watney need to use antibiotics after being wounded in space?

Watney may be in space, but there are still bacteria that could have been transported with him and that might lead to an infection.


How does “Seinfeld” parody the Tonya Harding-Nancy Kerrigan scandal in “The Understudy”?

"Seinfeld" episode "The Understudy" parodies the Tonya Harding-Nancy Kerrigan scandal.


How did “Star Trek: The Next Generation” differentiate itself from the original series?

"Star Trek: The Next Generation" started out with identity issues and struggled to find itself. But as it went on, TNG established itself as a distinct entity from the original series to…


How does Picard on “Star Trek: The Next Generation” choose a warp speed?

Picard has to weigh the resources on hand with the urgency of the task at hand to decide which speed to use.


What does “12 Angry Men” say about democracy and American civic duty?

"12 Angry Men" can be read as a public service announcement from screenwriter Reginald Rose, reminding Americans to work together and overcome individual prejudices to create a just society.


How does “Modern Times” define the core values of Chaplin’s Little Tramp character?

Chaplin's Little Tramp character, seen for the last time in "Modern Times," imparts the core values of maintaining a positive outlook, valuing human imagination, and defending…


How does “The Shawshank Redemption” illustrate the power of hope?

"The Shawshank Redemption" is a story about how one inmate's hope maintains his dignity and enriches the lives of others.


How did “Love & Mercy” composer Atticus Ross handle scoring the film?

Atticus Ross obtained a massive collection of master tracks from Brian Wilson's recording sessions. The material helped him capture Wilson's troubled inner state through the sound in the…


What horrors happened at one of the real-life hotels that “AHS: Hotel” uses as inspiration?

Much of the setting for "American Horror Story: Hotel" is based on the real-life Cecil Hotel in Los Angeles, a notorious home of serial killers, suicides, and murder victims.


How is “Seinfeld” a reflection of the postmodern era and the 1990s mindset?

"Seinfeld" can be classified as a work of postmodernism. The show holds a mirror up to the mindset of the US in the 1990s.
