
Is Nick Wasicsko really the hero of “Show Me a Hero”?

"Show me a Hero" unravels the notion that Nick Wasicsko is a political hero.


What is the significance of the title “Show me a Hero”?

"Show me a Hero" is about the tragic trajectory of Nick Wasicsko's political career.


How does “All About Eve” examine identity, sexism, and ageism in regards to fame and success?

"All About Eve" tells the story of an aging theater star and the duplicitous young starlet trying to take her place in the spotlight.


Is Eve in “All About Eve” a lesbian villain seen through Cold War-era homophobic paranoia?

The subtext of "All About Eve" can be read as reflecting 1950s McCarthy-era paranoia about homosexuality and communism.


How does the use of water and mud motifs express the themes of “A Man for All Seasons”?

Mud and water come to symbolize the fundamental differences between Thomas More, the protagonist, and the remainder of the morally murky cast.


How do the outward appearances of the characters in “Marathon Man” belie their true natures?

In "Marathon Man" appearances and assumptions are subverted in order to construct characters.


Is the intentional absurdity of “Scream Queens” its key to success or quickly tiresome?

"Scream Queens" isn't trying to be serious television. But is its formula of haphazard murder, absurd self-mockery, and offensive dialogue enough to sustain a show?


How did “Star Trek: Deep Space Nine” explore the duality of terrorism?

The darker, less Utopian view of the future in "Deep Space Nine" frequently involved stories dealing with the ambiguous nature of terrorism and oppressed people who view themselves as…


How is “Steve Jobs” like an opera?

Is "Steve Jobs" merely dramatic or operatic? Does Michael Fassbender belt a swan song?


Is “Bridge of Spies” a classic spy film?

"Bridge of Spies" follows the tenets of the classic spy film genre, from the likable everyman lead (Tom Hanks) to suspense-filled chase scenes through the rain.


How did “Beasts of No Nation” director Cary Fukunaga go about making the film?

The creation of "Beasts of No Nation" involved malaria, injury, and finding the right unknown actors to fill the roles. The result is a unique picture released via an innovative business…


How does “Yesterday, Today and Tomorrow” explore female identity and the power of sexuality?

The various settings and scenarios within "Yesterday, Today and Tomorrow" are great backdrops for De Sica to tell humorous stories about everyday realities.
