
How Does “Blue Ruin” Deconstruct the Revenge Thriller?

In "Blue Ruin," director Jeremy Saulnier and actor Macon Blair turn revenge thriller cliches upside down by creating a "hero" who doesn't know anything about the bloody…


As in “Veronika Decides to Die,” Why Would a Girl with a Death Sentence Have to Stay at the Hospital?

Why is Veronika kept in the hospital after being told she has only a week to live?


In “Veronika Decides to Die,” What “Unusual Activities” Were Going on Under Dr. Blake’s Care?

Dr. Blake's treatment therapies are unconventional, and his approaches towards healing Veronika and getting to the root of her depression are no exception.


What is “Veronika Decides to Die” Trying to Say?

Veronika had to find the beauty in her existence, which she was only able to do when at her lowest point and, she thought, on the edge of death.


Why Did Veronika Want to Kill Herself in “Veronika Decides to Die?” Did She Really Want To?

Veronika has given up on her hopes and dreams, and thinks most people have done the same. Her way of life lacks any fulfillment. She suffers from extreme depression, and she decides suicide is the…


At the Beginning of “Veronika Decides to Die,” Why Does Veronika Have an Aversion to her Parents?

Veronika's parents were responsible for discouraging her from following a life path that would have been rewarding and exciting. Instead, Veronika ends up successful but devoid of any passion…


After “Alien,” Was Ripley the Defining Game Changer for Women’s Portrayals in Scifi and Horror?

Sci-Fi and horror prior to 1979 were largely campy B-movies with predictable plots and male-driven hero characters. Casting Ripley as a woman not only broke that mold, but expanded the potential…


What is the Significance of “Love and Death” in Woody Allen’s Filmography?

Love and Death is significant because it is the first Woody Allen movie to discuss philosophical terms and ideas. It is a transitional movie that hinted towards his more complex films of the late…


What’s the Story Behind the Guy Who Played the “Alien” Xenomorph?

Bolaji Badejo, the actor behind Alien's xenomorph costume, only has the one film to credit to his acting career. Though many versions of his life and fate exist on the internet, the reality is…


Seen in “Monk With a Camera,” Who is Khyongla Rato Rinpoche and How Did He Guide Vreeland’s Journey?

Khyongla Rato is a reincarnate lama and scholar of the Gelugpa order of Tibetan Buddhism. He was born in 1923 in the southeastern Tibet in the region called Kham. In 1928, senior Gelugpa monks…


Is “Monk With a Camera” a Close Look at Vreeland’s Buddhist Evolution, or a Superficial Show & Tell?

The film analyzes the challenge between living in a devout, religious world while harboring a love for a material art form. While the movie doesn't deeply analyze Buddhism or Vreeland's…


What is the Point of “Monk With a Camera” Telling Vreeland’s Story?

The film is an attempt to examine the paradox between fame and humility. Most people have never seen a monk like Vreeland or heard a story like his, making him an interesting character to see.
