
What Is the Significance of “Run Lola Run’s” Opening Quotations?

The two quotes offered by Tykwer at the beginning of Run Lola Run set the thematic tone of the film to follow.


In “Run Lola Run,” What Is The Meaning of Lola’s Screaming?

Lola's screaming is characteristic of her trying to break the rules of the game of life - she attempts to eliminate chance, making things end the way she wants.


In “Run Lola Run,” Who Is The Man In The Ambulance?

The man in the ambulance in Run Lola Run is the bank security guard, who Lola encounters earlier in each segment.


Why Does “Run Lola Run” Incorporate Animated Sequences?

According to the film's director, the animated sequences in Run Lola Run were just part of his experimental filmmaking process.


How Does “Run Lola Run” Demonstrate Chaos Theory’s Butterfly Effect?

Run Lola Run employs the butterfly effect to show how seemingly insignificant interactions with someone can cause ripples of substantial difference in their lives.


Did Only the Last Sequence in “Run Lola Run” Actually Happen, or Did All Three?

Run Lola Run "ends" three times. Is one of them supposed to be the true ending, or are all three plausible results of her actions?


At The End of “Taxi Driver,” What Happens?

There's a lot of debate about the ending of "Taxi Driver." Did Travis Bickle survive the bloody shoot-out or did he die on that sofa?


Why Shoot “The Blue Room” Using Academy Ratio?

The use of Academy ratio in The Blue Room adds to the feeling of confinement and claustrophobia put forth by the character and the story.


How Does the Narrative Structure of “The Blue Room” Serve the Film’s Material?

The film utilizes a wonderfully-edited back-and-forth timeline of events that already happened to tell a brief tale through complex emotions.


In “The Blue Room,” Who Actually Committed the Crime?

Examining clues in dialogue and facial expression can indicate who may have been the actual killer in The Blue Room


In “The Blue Room,” What’s the Significance of the Flies on the Walls in the Courtroom?

The flies are a way of connecting the beginning and the end of the story - the two blue rooms - symbolically encapsulating the affair.


How is “Taxi Driver” Connected to Two Assassination Attempts?

Screenwriter Paul Schrader was inspired to write a story about a would-be assassin by reading the diary of a real-life assassin. Only when "Taxi Driver" hit the big screen, it…
