
What Are Some of the Questions “Parallels” Raises that Could be Answered in a Series?

Parallels is 83 minutes of unanswered questions and the establishment of dozens of potential plot lines that ultimately go nowhere. If the film were transitioned into a TV series, what questions…


Why Does “Parallels” Feel Like It’s Only The Start of a Larger Story?

Parallels isn't exactly a film. It's a pilot for a television series made into a film, which tells an excellent story but finishes with no resolution.


How did “The Lazarus Effect” Director David Gelb Transition From Documentary to Scripted Horror?

David Gelb, the Jiro Dreams of Sushi documentarian made The Lazarus Effect his first scripted work. The transition from documentary to horror comes from an innate desire to tell stories, regardless…


In “The Lazarus Effect,” What Happened to the Dog?

Zoe killed the dog in a brief off-camera moment after manifesting her evil powers.


Does “The Lazarus Effect” Fail to Answer the Big Moral Questions It Sets Up in Its First Half?

The Lazarus Effect tries to raise some intense philosophical and moral questions during the first third of its runtime. Once the "horror" starts, it forgets all about it and becomes a…


How Does “The Lazarus Effect” Draw From All the Classic Tropes of the Reanimation Horror Sub-genre?

A few tropes define nearly every reanimation horror film in history. The Lazarus Effect employs all of them to create a familiar film in a new setting.


Why Was “The Western Book of the Dead” The Title of “True Detective” Season 2 Episode 1?

John Y. Crighton wrote an essay in the 1960s titled “The Western Book of the Dead,” which was published in an underground newspaper. Its content and style are similar to the themes of True…


What is Nadsat in “A Clockwork Orange,” and What Is It Derived From?

While Stanley Kubrick’s film adaptation of A Clockwork Orange (1971) does feature the complex language of the demoralized youths of future England, it only gives us a portion of the Anglo-Russian…


What Unique Camera Techniques Did the “Mad Max: Fury Road” Filmmakers Use During Filming?

The filmmakers used EYE TRACE and CROSSHAIR FRAMING techniques to maintain the CENTER OF THE FRAME as the focal point of every shot.


Is “Montage of Heck” a Pro-Courtney Love Film?

"Montage of Heck" doesn't do anything to make Courtney Love look like a better person. It only shows that Kurt was just as bad off as she was, and the two fueled each others'…


Is Buzz Osborne’s comment that “Montage of Heck” is 90% BS reasonable to Believe?

Buzz Osborne says 90% of this movie is BS - but should we believe him any more than we believe the filmmakers? That's really up to the viewer to decide.


For “Kurt Cobain: Montage of Heck,” Who Created the Original Animations?

Montage of Heck contains animations by two different artists - Stefan Nadelman provided motion graphic animations of Cobain's journals and artwork, while Hisko Hulsing did the single cell…
