
Does “Ballers” Deal With the Issue of Concussions in Football?

It would be irresponsible, given all of data and the tragic stories surrounding current and past football players, for HBO's "Ballers" not to address the concussion issue at all.…


“Inglourious Bastards” - The Script vs. The Film

A summary of the differences between the script and the film of "Inglourious Basterds" and the reasons why some elements of the final draft are not in the film.


Does “Humans” “Episode Two” Suggest We Humans Are Our Own Worst Enemies?

Humans is aptly-titled. Though it's a show prominently directing focus on androids, at its core it's a series that puts humans under the microscope, examining our flaws and tendencies as…


How Does “Humans” “Episode Two” Build Upon the Drama of its Sexy Synths?

Humans speaks to the sexual nature of humanity, and how we design our technologies and ideas around that sexuality.


How is Disney’s Underdog Sports Movie Formula Seen in “McFarland USA” Still Effective?

Disney’s formula continues to be effective because it creates an opportunity for greater, more universal messages about life and hope and perseverance, applicable well beyond the spectrum of…


In “Lost Highway,” Who Is the Mystery Man?

The Mystery Man is a representation of part of Fred's psyche.


Is “McFarland USA” Another “White Messiah” Narrative or a Balanced Look at Cultural Exchange?

On the surface, McFarland USA looks like another "white messiah" film about a white man swooping in to save people of color from a troubling life. With further examination, it's…


Why did “McFarland USA” Create the Fake Backstory About Jim White Being Fired From his Other School?

Thrusting White unwillingly into the culturally unfamiliar, low-budget, no-resources school district makes him as much of an underdog as the kids he’s coaching, which works better for the overall…


Did the Bridge Scene Depicted in “McFarland USA” Actually Happen?

While the filmmakers obviously manipulated the setting, dialogue and sequence of events for the film, the root of the encounter is authentic.


Is “Django Unchained” Historically Accurate and Does it Matter?

"Django Unchained" has some historically inconsistencies, but the film does not have a responsibility to be bound to history.


In “Django Unchained,” Why does Quentin Tarantino use Modern Music?

“Django Unchained’s” eclectic soundtrack includes a wide variety of songs, from modern-day rap to ‘70s pop. Instead of relying on period-authentic music, director Quentin Tarantino was more…


How Does “Django Unchained” Pay Homage to Other Westerns?

“Django Unchained” is a mishmash of many cinematic influences and pays tribute to a number of Tarantino's favorite "Spaghetti Westerns" most notably attributed to Italian…
