
How does “Contempt” parallel “The Odyssey”?

"Contempt" retells the tragic tale with irony, as a film within a film referencing reality, all blurred together through the artistic power of cinema.


Ask the Expert: Programmer Zack Carlson talks about acquiring bizarre yet lovable “Dangerous Men”

ScreenPrism talks to Zack Carlson, the creative director of Fantastic Fest, about rediscovering "Dangerous Men" and the importance of films of its kind to cinema.


The One to Watch for Re-Listening: “Mozart in the Jungle” S01E04 - “You Have Insulted Tchaikovsy”

To understand how the show explores the universality of art, rewatch Season 1, Episode 4: "You Have Insulted Tchaikovsky." And don't just rewatch. You need to re-listen.


How does “Star Wars: The Force Awakens” make Stormtroopers human?

[SPOILERS] The plot of John Boyega's escaped Stormtrooper in "The Force Awakens" is the most revolutionary aspect of the story.


How does “Star Wars: The Force Awakens” compare to the original trilogy?

[SPOILERS] "The Force Awakens" revives the spirit, look, and cast of the original trilogy. Abrams evidently learned from the failures of the prequels and returned to "Star Wars"…


What is illustrated by the Federber family in “Ace in the Hole”?

The Federbers represent the typical everyday American in "Ace in the Hole," as people who derailed a family vacation to gawk at a human tragedy and attempt to service their own needs.


How has Bob Odenkirk interpreted and evolved his “Better Call Saul” character after “Breaking Bad”?

Odenkirk’s ability to portray a different, cleaner, less-neurotic version of a beloved character while maintaining nuances that offer glimmers of the familiar is what has earned him repeated…


How are the 70 year-old characters of “Moomins on the Riviera” relevant to today’s culture?

The Moomins were created during World War II as a means of distraction, and promote messages of love, unity, and friendship. Those ideas are just as powerful today in a conflicted world, and are…


Is Catherine in “Jules and Jim” a female role model or a narcissist?

Have interpretations of Catherine's character in "Jules and Jim" changed over time?


How is the film adaptation of “Brooklyn” different from the book?

SPOILERS. The protagonist of the film "Brooklyn" has more agency than her counterpart in the novel, and the stories have different endings.


How is “Contempt” both a relationship drama and a scornful look at the filmmaking process?

"Contempt" is a movie about the production of film as much as an autobiography of himself in the early 60s, told through a story about crumbling love amidst the ruins of cinema.


How did “It’s a Wonderful Life” go from a flop to a holiday classic?

"It's a Wonderful Life" didn't do well at the box office or with critics when it came out in 1946. But over time, it has grown into a holiday tradition and one of the top films…
