What Information is Known About “True Detective” Season Two’s Plot?

Several different statements about the plot have circulated over the past year during casting and production of season two.

The first plot summary from series creator/writer Nic Pizzolatto was that the season would focus on “hard women, bad men and the secret occult history of the United States transportation system.” He has since reneged on that description, indicating it went in an altered direction to put more emphasis on character development and depth.

The latest official line released about the plot describes the season as “three police officers and a career criminal, who must navigate a web of conspiracy in the aftermath of a murder”. A manager of a fictional California city is found dead on a highway just before a transportation deal that would alter traffic patterns around Los Angeles was to take place. Three law officers are involved in the investigation (Kitsch, McAdams and Farrell), while shady characters (Vaughn) are in the mix.