
Why did Penelope Featherington Not Lose Weight in the Bridgerton TV Show As She Did in the Book Series?

Penelope Bridgerton

One notable aspect of why Penelope Featherington (Nicola Coughlan) and Colin Bridgerton (Luke Newton) haven’t gotten together much earlier in the Bridgerton series may have something to do with Penelope’s weight. Unlike the rest of the main female cast, Penelope is more voluptuous and short, making her look unconventionally attractive. In the books, specifically in Romancing Mister Bridgerton, she loses about two stones or 27 pounds. It isn’t until after this physical transformation that she becomes more confident, causing Colin to fall in love with her.

The series takes a completely different approach to Penelope and Colin’s love story. In season 3, Penelope does not lose weight. The only difference in her character is the way she dresses. She wore bright yellow and pink floral patterns during the first two seasons. Now she has embraced emerald greens and baby blues, enhancing her natural beauty.

What Statement Is Bridgerton Trying to Make?

The Bridgerton series prides itself on diversity, showcasing an array of different races intermingling, creating beautiful and magnificent interracial relationships, and even dabbling in queer love stories in their spinoff series, Queen Charlotte. So, is it shocking that body diversity is another aspect they wish to highlight? It shouldn’t be. Jess Brownell, the current showrunner, wanted Penelope to keep her curvy figure. Regardless of size, anyone can find love in any typical friends-to-lovers story.

This is what makes Bridgerton a special show, as it continues to diversify its cast with purpose. Instead of Penelope becoming more confident because she lost weight, she gains confidence because of who she is deep down. By wearing clothes of her choice, she makes these executive decisions, becoming a woman with active choices. No longer living under her sister’s shadow, she’s able to bloom far more than others anticipated.

Colin Bridgerton Falls for Penelope Featherington Differently on the Show

The show has strayed significantly from the books, especially considering Penelope’s weight is constantly mentioned, making it obvious that it’s a factor why Colin has never found her “desirable.” It appears it’s less about her weight and more about not noticing Penelope. It isn’t until she dresses to impress and her unique wit catches his eye in a romantic lens. To be fair, the book version of Colin doesn’t instantly fall for Penelope once she loses weight, and it isn’t the only reason he falls for her. The TV show’s version is much more realistic. Just because an overweight person loses weight, their love interest may still not reciprocate those feelings. Romantic feelings for others derive from much more than vanity.

Bridgerton’s second part of season three airs June 13, 2024, on Netflix.