
What Was The Secret In The Movie The Gift?


“The Gift” is a psychological thriller film that was released in 2015, directed by Joel Edgerton. The plot revolves around three main characters, Simon (Jason Bateman) and Robyn (Rebecca Hall), a married couple, and Gordon “Gordo” Mosley (Joel Edgerton), an acquaintance from Simon’s past. The couple, Simon and Robyn Callum, relocated to Los Angeles following Simon’s job promotion. Their new life begins to unravel when they encounter Gordo. Gordo initially comes across as socially awkward, albeit friendly, but his frequent and unannounced visits, coupled with his strange habit of leaving gifts at their doorstep, begin to raise red flags.

A critical juncture in “The Gift’s” intricate plot occurs when the enigmatic Gordo extends an invitation to Simon and Robyn for a dinner at what he presents as his home. Upon arrival, the couple is met with a sprawling, extravagantly decorated residence, hinting at an opulence that seems to be a stark departure from their initial perception of Gordo. The dinner table is meticulously set with exquisite china and an elaborate array of dishes, an unmistakable testament to Gordo’s painstaking efforts to curate a memorable evening.

As the evening progresses, an air of unease begins to permeate the atmosphere. Simon and Robyn, while trying to be gracious guests, can’t help but feel a slight discomfort as they begin to sense Gordo’s desperate attempts to make a mark and project an image of refined sophistication. The richness of the surroundings and the evident extravagance of the dinner all begin to seem like an overcompensation, inciting a sense of suspicion in Simon and Robyn.

Midway through the dinner, Gordo excuses himself, citing an urgent matter that needs his attention. His absence, initially considered ordinary, soon extends into an unnaturally long hiatus, stirring a sense of disquiet. Spotting the opportunity, Simon’s curiosity gets the better of him. Unable to resist, he ventures to explore the sprawling property, hoping to uncover more about their mysterious host.

His snooping around soon yields a shocking revelation — the property isn’t Gordo’s after all. Simon stumbles upon documentation indicating that the luxurious house belongs not to Gordo, but rather to one of his clients. This discovery propels Simon’s initial inklings of unease into full-blown suspicion, as he grapples with the unsettling realization about the lengths Gordo has gone to deceive them. This twist in the tale amplifies the intrigue around Gordo’s character, planting the seed for the unfolding psychological drama.

Eventually, Simon decides to confront Gordo, telling him explicitly to stay away from him and Robyn. Simon reveals to Robyn that he was always wary of Gordo, citing his strange behavior. However, his stern confrontation incites a series of chilling incidents that significantly heighten the suspense of the narrative.

Following their unsettling dinner experience at Gordo’s supposed home, Simon and Robyn’s lives take a disturbing turn. Unforeseen incidents begin to encroach upon their tranquility, starting with the inexplicable death of their beloved koi fish. The vibrant ecosystem of their pond is left ravaged, unsettling the couple. Soon after, they suffer another blow when their dog, a cherished member of their household, mysteriously disappears, leaving behind a tangible void and a mounting sense of anxiety.

Just when they begin grappling with these unnerving developments, the sanctity of their home is compromised. Evidence of intrusion manifests within their personal space, hinting at an unseen presence invading their haven. The escalating nature of these occurrences shrouds their lives in unease, leading Robyn to question Simon’s depiction of his past relationship with Gordo. Doubt breeds in her mind, instigating her to seek out the truth that Simon seems to be evading.

As Robyn delves deeper into Simon’s past, a shocking secret surfaces, shaking the very foundation of their relationship. It turns out that Simon’s interactions with Gordo in their high school days were far from benign. Simon had not merely been wary or dismissive of Gordo, as he had initially claimed. Instead, he had played a central role in an incident that drastically altered the course of Gordo’s life. This revelation uncovers a darker side to Simon, one that he had meticulously concealed, shedding new light on the present circumstances and lending a more sinister tone to Gordo’s seemingly erratic behavior.

Simon, popular and influential in school, had spread a malicious and false rumor about Gordo, alleging that he was sexually abused by an older man. This rumor not only led to severe bullying and ostracization of Gordo but also resulted in his expulsion from school. The cascading effects of this lie contributed to a life filled with hardship and distress for Gordo. This revelation is the ‘secret’ that Simon had concealed all these years, demonstrating his capacity for manipulation and cruelty.

This revelation, the uncovering of the secret, is a turning point in the movie as it shatters Robyn’s image of Simon, who she believed was a victim of Gordo’s odd behavior. It exposes Simon’s lack of remorse and accountability for his actions. This not only leads to tension and estrangement in their relationship but also provides Gordo an opening to enact his revenge on Simon.

Gordo capitalizes on this estrangement and uses psychological warfare to torment Simon and Robyn. He begins to make them question their safety and their reality, pushing Simon into a state of paranoia. He effectively turns the tables on Simon, making him the victim of false narratives, much like Gordo had been during his high school days because of Simon’s lie.

In the climax of the movie, Gordo leaves behind a series of clues that suggest that he might have drugged and sexually assaulted Robyn when she was alone and unconscious, leading Simon to fear that Gordo could potentially be the biological father of Robyn’s newborn child. Whether this event actually took place remains ambiguous. Gordo’s parting ‘gift’ to Simon is a voice recording that further fuels this uncertainty, leaving Simon in a perpetual state of distress, akin to what Gordo had endured because of Simon’s actions.

Thus, the ‘secret’ in “The Gift” refers not only to Simon’s past transgressions but also to the haunting uncertainty about the parentage of Robyn’s child. This secret is a powerful representation of karma, of past actions coming back to haunt the present, and serves as a reminder of the far-reaching consequences of our actions.