
What is “Veronika Decides to Die” Trying to Say?


Veronika Decides to Die (2009) shows the way depression can make people feel like they only have one option, and are unable to see the positives around them. When someone is in that frame of mind, darkness is all they can find. The film is an exploration of pulling someone out of that mental state.

It is primarily about how people forget to follow their dreams and get locked into a life they’re not happy with. In today’s world, it’s easy to get distracted and forget about what really matters to us.

At the fairly cliched conclusion of the film, we learn that Veronika (Sarah Michelle Gellar) will be fine, and she’s found new positives in life. The line in Dr. Blake’s (David Thewlis) resignation letter where he says “every day is a miracle” is the meat of this film’s core message. Veronika had to find the beauty in her existence, which she was only able to do when at her lowest point and, she thought, on the edge of death. When she had nothing left to lose, she was able to appreciate how much she had, and find new value in herself and others. She can start following her dreams again.