
The Ambiguous Final Scene in Stanley Kubrick’s Eyes Wide Shut


The thriller ”Eyes Wide Shut,” directed by Stanley Kubrick and released in 1999, is a film filled with ambiguity and open-endedness. The ending, in particular, is subject to various interpretations, and there isn’t a definitive explanation. Nevertheless, I will offer an analysis of the ending, taking into account the film’s themes, symbolism, and character development.

The closing scene of “Eyes Wide Shut” features the protagonist, Dr. Bill Harford (played by Tom Cruise), and his wife, Alice Harford (played by Nicole Kidman), engaged in a conversation that serves as the climax of the film. Throughout the movie, the couple has been grappling with issues of trust, sexual desire, and the exploration of hidden desires. The ending is a culmination of these themes, and it is essential to consider the events leading up to this moment.

In the preceding scenes, Dr. Harford infiltrates a secret masked orgy held by an elite and clandestine society. This event, filled with ritualistic sexual fantasies and masked participants, represents a world beyond the surface of society, a hidden realm of desire and temptation. Dr. Harford’s presence in underground sexual group challenges his perception of himself, his marriage, and the boundaries of his desires.

At the orgy, Dr. Harford’s presence is discovered, and he is warned about the dangerous consequences of his actions. Although he escapes physical harm, the psychological impact of this encounter lingers. They impede on his perceptions of himself and his marriage, ultimately leading to the final conversation of the film between Alice and Dr. Harford.

The ending shot of the film is a close-up of the couple’s faces, their expressions suggesting a mix of emotions—uncertainty, fear, and a glimmer of hope. This final shot encapsulates the ambiguity of the film, it establishes a tension that leaves the audience to question the true nature of their relationship and the potential consequences of their choices.

One interpretation of the ending is that Dr. Harford and Alice have reached a moment of truth and vulnerability in their relationship. Through their confrontations, they have acknowledged their hidden desires and the challenges of monogamy. The ending can be seen as a commitment to confront these desires within the boundaries of their marriage, reestablishing trust and intimacy.

Alternatively, the ending can be viewed as an affirmation of the power of fantasy and desire. The couple’s acknowledgment of their temptations and the admission of their willingness to explore them suggests that the boundaries of their relationship might be more fluid than initially perceived. It raises questions about the nature of monogamy, societal expectations, and the complexities of human desire.

Moreover, the ending could be interpreted as a commentary on the illusory nature of reality and the masks we wear in society. The film repeatedly employs the image of a mask and disguises as symbols, representing the hidden aspects of human nature and the masks we wear to conform to societal norms. Dr. Harford’s journey through the secret society and his confrontation with his own desires strip away these masks, exposing the raw and vulnerable aspects of his being.

In conclusion, the ending of “Eyes Wide Shut” is deliberately ambiguous, leaving room for multiple interpretations. It captures the complexities of desire, trust, and the exploration of hidden realms within relationships. Whether it signifies a commitment to monogamy, a willingness to explore desires within the boundaries of the relationship or an acknowledgment of the illusory nature of reality, the ending provokes thought and invites introspection from the audience. It remains a testament to Stanley Kubrick‘s ability to create enigmatic and thought-provoking films that resonate long after the final credits roll.